U8 TT combat step-by-step

Inevitably, adventurers will find themselves in combat. It will be described sequentially.

Before combat begins, contact between the embattled parties is made. If any party is taken off guard by the initiation of combat, they go after the initiators in turn order. All creatures roll Dodge, with those having higher margins of success (followed by lower margins of failure) going sooner than others. In the event of a tie, whichever creatures are carrying less weight go sooner.

During a creature's turn, no other creature may act, except as laid out by specific preparatory acts and conditions, or to drop something they are holding, speak up to seven words, or fall to the ground. The creature whose turn it is may take two actions, and move a distance in meters up to their Move statistic.

The most common actions are Attack, Brace, Dodge, Quick-Cast, and Jump.

You may pick up, drop, sheath, or draw any two items on your turn. Rummaging through a pack containing more than one type of object takes both item interactons to find the one you are looking for. In lieu of both, you may drink a potion already held in hand. Additional item interactions cost one action.


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